THE EATING INSTINCT: Two Weeks to Launch! (Events, Preorder and a Giveaway!)

I've spent the past month or so feeling like I did in the final weeks of both my pregnancies (well, with less chronic needing to pee): It's almost book time, it's almost book time, when will it hurry up and just be book time already...
Folks, it's REALLY almost book time. The Eating Instinct launches on November 13, but the first event on my book tour is this Sunday, November 4, at the Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt. (More details and free registration here, if you're in the Baltimore area!)
And I've got five more stops on the tour this month — check out the full schedule here:

You can read lots more about the book on my new website, and even get a sneak peek at Chapter One.
In other exciting news, GoodReads is giving away 25 advance reading copies, so if you're dying to get your hands on the book even earlier, go here to enter. (You have until November 5.)
And of course, I will be perfectly delighted if you also decide to preorder your copy (via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or iBooks). You won't get it any earlier, but preorders help authors in a bunch of ways. And they are especially helpful if you then tell the world that you preordered! So...
Tweet this: I just preordered my copy of @v_solesmith's THE EATING INSTINCT. Can't wait! Read an excerpt and preorder your copy at
You can also post that on Facebook.
And if Instagram is your jam, I've got a bunch of awesome images with quotes from the book that you can download and share here. (If you need a caption, just copy and paste that tweet text above.) Here are two of my favorites:

Last — I've got a special preorder bonus available for newsletter subscribers.
Email me your receipt and I'll send you a free download called 5 Ways To Protect Your Eating Instincts. It's simple, straightforward advice culled from my book research... and it just might become your new food philosophy. (No that is NOT the same thing as a diet!)
Thanks so much for your support, friends. I can't wait to hear what you think of the book!
PS. Almost forgot to give you the latest scoop on Comfort Food Podcast! Episode 12 is my new favorite — all about why how we talk about our bodies matters so much to our kids. Other good ones:
Episode 10: Do We Really Need to Eat So Much Protein?
Episode 11: 5 Common Problems With Family Dinner
Episode 13: How Not to Freak Out About Halloween Candy (a good one to listen to this week!)
Episode 14: Why Starting Solid Gets So Controversial (a great one to share with new mom friends!)