Tomorrow ushers in the Trump 2.0 era and a whole host of unknowns—but what we do know suggests it sure will be very bad for everyone’s health and body autonomy!! Here’s a primer if you want some back story and a clearer sense of what to be anxious about now. Burnt Toast will be covering this whole mess as it unfolds.
But today I'm keeping my focus hyperlocal. It’s about to start snowing and we’ve got another case of the flu in the house because January just can’t help itself, so I’m masking up, doling out meds, approving all the screen time requests, and planning to spend the afternoon making a batch of
’s ricotta meatballs because comfort food always helps.I’m also still feeling the glow of a last night’s celebration of Fat Talk with a mix of my local community and some farflung Burnt Toasties, at Split Rock Books. Heidi made the best brownies, and my bff Amy Palanjian and I chatted with the audience about how to support our kids when they encounter fatphobia, and why all the best meals require cheese. (Exception: Sushi.)
We might not know what comes next, but we know connection and community will get us through.
How are you doing today and with (gestures around at everything)? Scroll on for some more good things!
-Virginia xo
But Can This Walking Pad Raise Your Kids?
Two Things I Love Right Now
1. Being dewy at the end of the world.
I’m not fully in the Jones Road cult (so much good JR intel in this comment thread if you’re considering) but I do really love their miracle balm.
2. Very smart sex writing
I inhaled
’s memoir, Want Me, earlier this month. I love how she interrogates the male gaze and how it teaches women to conceive of our desire. And there is nobody better to be reading right now on Late Stage Toxic Masculinity.
I’m going to carry on the way I would any other Sunday. I’m hearing a lot of despair talk around me (for good reason). I don’t want to be stuck in despair though. I gave myself some time to grieve but I’ve decided to use that energy to keep helping my community and find ways to take action locally. In the past I’ve gotten bogged down by not being able to solve a problem rather than just contributing to being *part* of the solution. It’s gonna take push back from all of us. That’s where I’m coming from. I am going to keep encouraging people around me to be more aware and make a difference in whatever way they can, and keep doing the same myself.
(PS, I’m going to anticipate I will have times of despair in the coming years as well. Seriously, no judgment if that’s where anyone is right now.)
Saw this title pop up on my phone and thought, YEP. I know the answer to that one 😅 Virginia, I was at an event at my kids’ elementary school this weekend, and a very cool mom asked me, “have you read Fat Talk?” 🤩 So carry that happy moment with you on this scariest Sunday.