One of the things I admire about you (among many) is your very clear goal of using your ever-widening platform to affect real change -- be it dismantling diet culture, amplifying voices other than your own, or saving democracy. Thanks for all you do, Virginia -- I mean it.

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State legislatures are so important and I'm always excited when people focus on them.

I have a couple questions about how the particular giving model of The States Project works. Am I getting it right that people give to the organization but the circles retain some say over the specific targeting (I'm presuming within the org's targets list)? I see The States Project is a joint project of a PAC and a 501c4 and I'm curious about how the interaction between individuals giving and the organization and the candidates works. Like, is it ultimately a PAC contribution to the candidates? An independent expenditure on behalf of the candidates?

(As a side note I wish the websites of these orgs listed leadership and staff. Because that's always one of my first questions. Although I recognize I'm coming from a very specific place on that.)

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These are SUCH good questions. I'm asking Melissa to come weigh in with more specifics, stay tuned!

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Hi, Laura!

Yes, Giving Circle dollars go to the PAC and 100% of the amounts received from Giving Circles by the PAC go out the door to the state that the circle chooses from our (still growing) list of targets, here: https://statesproject.org/our-states/

We work on the direct side with campaigns and caucuses in every state where that's allowable. That means Giving Circle dollars have the greatest and most strategic impact in states, fueling things like recruitment, supporting endorsed candidates, candidate training, canvassing efforts, digital asset creation, research and analysis, and more.

And, if you'd like the States Project staff list please contact me at melissa@statesproject.org, I'm happy to share bios!

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Thank you Melissa! So helpful.

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Thanks, very helpful. Agreed it's best to work directly where you can, so that's great to hear.

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I’m very excited about this! Since a lot of politicians start at the local level it’s important to know who you’re voting for in your city and county too. There are signs up right now for a candidate for superintendent of schools. You can bet I’m going to be asking his views on teaching our country’s history and his stance on LGBTQ students.

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YES. That's such a great point -- the people running for superintendent or city council today both have a big impact now and may be playing at a higher level in 5-10-15 years.

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Love this. Getting involved at the local level is hands down the best way to make an impact.

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Yay! So excited to DO THIS THING.

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Just joined for a monthly contribution! As a Minnesotan I'm very on board to stay blue. 🙌

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YES! Thank you!

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Wow, I am in Maine - where our state senate president cites the States Project (on its website) as a major contributor to success in the last few cycles - and I had no idea it existed. And I'm pretty engaged in local politics / put in a loooooot of volunteer hours on the Sara Gideon campaign! This is a big deal, esp with our horrid, Trumpian former governor back on the ballot this fall.

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YES. Maine is one of the states we’re focused on!

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VSS, thank you for getting involved like this and spreading the word!!

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You were my inspiration!!!

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