So complicated! It is differentiated by race. In my experience all elders are more respected in communities of color. When I was first living in a majority Black community I was stunned by the respect older Black women commanded and used. I wanted so much to learn that. For white women dealing with white people OLP is a weapon of the w…
So complicated! It is differentiated by race. In my experience all elders are more respected in communities of color. When I was first living in a majority Black community I was stunned by the respect older Black women commanded and used. I wanted so much to learn that. For white women dealing with white people OLP is a weapon of the weak: you don’t see me, you don’t see my power, I will use that. I has a guerrilla quality.
I follow a lot of people of color on Twitter, mostly writers and cultural commentators, and have been struck by the usage of 'elders' and 'ancestors' and how meaningful those words are. White people don't use them, in my experience, and wouldn't have the gravitas if they did, if that makes sense.
So complicated! It is differentiated by race. In my experience all elders are more respected in communities of color. When I was first living in a majority Black community I was stunned by the respect older Black women commanded and used. I wanted so much to learn that. For white women dealing with white people OLP is a weapon of the weak: you don’t see me, you don’t see my power, I will use that. I has a guerrilla quality.
I follow a lot of people of color on Twitter, mostly writers and cultural commentators, and have been struck by the usage of 'elders' and 'ancestors' and how meaningful those words are. White people don't use them, in my experience, and wouldn't have the gravitas if they did, if that makes sense.