What is it about our special (dare I say "exceptional") American society that seems to predispose us to "solutions" where when they fail, the answer is not to say "Huh, maybe that wasn't the right solution and we should explore something else" or even "Huh, maybe we didn't even define the right problem and maybe we need to go back and r…
What is it about our special (dare I say "exceptional") American society that seems to predispose us to "solutions" where when they fail, the answer is not to say "Huh, maybe that wasn't the right solution and we should explore something else" or even "Huh, maybe we didn't even define the right problem and maybe we need to go back and reconsider that before we propose solutions."
Instead the answer is to just double and triple down on the bad ideas, believing that somehow if we just do the thing (that hasn't worked or has actually made things worse) just a little bit harder, it will somehow "work" this time? (See war on drugs, obesity epidemic, trickle down economics, good guys with guns, policing, etc etc etc...)
What is it about our special (dare I say "exceptional") American society that seems to predispose us to "solutions" where when they fail, the answer is not to say "Huh, maybe that wasn't the right solution and we should explore something else" or even "Huh, maybe we didn't even define the right problem and maybe we need to go back and reconsider that before we propose solutions."
Instead the answer is to just double and triple down on the bad ideas, believing that somehow if we just do the thing (that hasn't worked or has actually made things worse) just a little bit harder, it will somehow "work" this time? (See war on drugs, obesity epidemic, trickle down economics, good guys with guns, policing, etc etc etc...)
"What if we keep doing the same thing, but MORE?!"