Please help us save Virginia (the Commonwealth)! We have been relying on NoVA to keeps ups blue but that seems less reliable (Glenn Youngkin!) and we really need to flip more ritual voters. (I got my mom to vote blue in a red county. I’m doing what I can.)
You know the looks/judgment stuff was not as bad as I feared. I'm sure it varies by country/community (just as it does here) and that my small fat privilege was at play... but while I absolutely could not find my size in most stores and seatbelts in cabs were usually a non-starter, I didn't experience any hostility or interpersonal weirdness. And even had one very nice shopping experience at a little boutique in the big Bangkok market where the small fat Thai designer was eager for me to try something on because she said "don't worry it fits me, it will fit you!" (And it did and I bought it!) So -- fingers crossed for you.
All the travel details please!
I'm on it!
Yes!!! ESPECIALLY the elephant!!!!! :D
Please help us save Virginia (the Commonwealth)! We have been relying on NoVA to keeps ups blue but that seems less reliable (Glenn Youngkin!) and we really need to flip more ritual voters. (I got my mom to vote blue in a red county. I’m doing what I can.)
Good work on your mom! We'll keep fighting!
I'm an over-packer! I haven't traveled internationally in many years. Any details on packing would be great!
I'm a recovering over-packer and sometimes I under-pack now and tbh that's not great either?! I didn't nail it on this trip but I Have Thoughts.
what happens when kids go through airport security? how did you keep them entertained on the flight? What did you pack? Thanks!
Loved hearing you on Work Appropriate! So fun to hear 2 of my favorites together.
Always love chatting with the great AHP!!
You know the looks/judgment stuff was not as bad as I feared. I'm sure it varies by country/community (just as it does here) and that my small fat privilege was at play... but while I absolutely could not find my size in most stores and seatbelts in cabs were usually a non-starter, I didn't experience any hostility or interpersonal weirdness. And even had one very nice shopping experience at a little boutique in the big Bangkok market where the small fat Thai designer was eager for me to try something on because she said "don't worry it fits me, it will fit you!" (And it did and I bought it!) So -- fingers crossed for you.