Oh man, I'd forgotten about those assignments to keep food logs in high school until you mentioned it! We had to feed ours into a computer program, which for me spat out that I needed to eat less due to my height/weight, but also that I needed to eat more based on my activity and food intake. That was fun, and about equal to every piece …
Oh man, I'd forgotten about those assignments to keep food logs in high school until you mentioned it! We had to feed ours into a computer program, which for me spat out that I needed to eat less due to my height/weight, but also that I needed to eat more based on my activity and food intake. That was fun, and about equal to every piece of diet advice I've ever gotten.
I am rather irritated by all the ways teachers feel like opponents. My mom and partner are teachers, and they're not happy with it all either. From their perspective, it's all coming from "do-gooders" on high who don't have to actually interact with the children impacted.
Ahahaha to that mixed message from the computer program. And absolutely -- I do not intend any of this to put parents in an adversarial relationship with teachers (my sister, sister-in-law and brother-in-law are all teachers!). There are so many educators working on this issue and we need to find and support them, while also looking for ways to move the needle in classrooms where it isn't happening.
Oh, I didn't mean your piece was written like teachers were enemies, more that it's just kinda the general atmosphere we seem to be in. I've been thinking about schools a lot lately as I come to grips with the idea that I'm going to be a parent, and sometimes I feel like I'd just rather homeschool so nobody can hurt them (not that homeschooling is at all feasible for me, but sometimes the urge is there).
Oh man, I'd forgotten about those assignments to keep food logs in high school until you mentioned it! We had to feed ours into a computer program, which for me spat out that I needed to eat less due to my height/weight, but also that I needed to eat more based on my activity and food intake. That was fun, and about equal to every piece of diet advice I've ever gotten.
I am rather irritated by all the ways teachers feel like opponents. My mom and partner are teachers, and they're not happy with it all either. From their perspective, it's all coming from "do-gooders" on high who don't have to actually interact with the children impacted.
Ahahaha to that mixed message from the computer program. And absolutely -- I do not intend any of this to put parents in an adversarial relationship with teachers (my sister, sister-in-law and brother-in-law are all teachers!). There are so many educators working on this issue and we need to find and support them, while also looking for ways to move the needle in classrooms where it isn't happening.
Oh, I didn't mean your piece was written like teachers were enemies, more that it's just kinda the general atmosphere we seem to be in. I've been thinking about schools a lot lately as I come to grips with the idea that I'm going to be a parent, and sometimes I feel like I'd just rather homeschool so nobody can hurt them (not that homeschooling is at all feasible for me, but sometimes the urge is there).
Oh yes, I feel that!