Thank you for the letter templates to opt out. Right now I am trying to teach my kids about trusting their bodies and they are aware that both their aunt and I are passionate about protecting our kids in every way we can from diet culture. They know I will comment to them that we have different rules in our house when their cousins on th…
Thank you for the letter templates to opt out. Right now I am trying to teach my kids about trusting their bodies and they are aware that both their aunt and I are passionate about protecting our kids in every way we can from diet culture. They know I will comment to them that we have different rules in our house when their cousins on the Heydary side are told they have to eat certain foods first or hear about junk food or too much added sugar.
I feel anxious about food tracking type assignments as food tracking is unequivocally what pushed me into full blown anorexia behaviors. I didn’t know atypical anorexia existed at the time 10 years ago but I feel pretty comfortable with claiming that now- my BMI was always “normal” and I moved primary care providers from the dr who saw me and praised me for weight loss during that time and asked nothing about my lifestyle when I lost 25 pounds in a year. Even if I don’t end up seeing behaviors in my still young kids (6 and 4 yo) my current plan is to let teachers know that we have ED history in our family and it is very important to me that we opt out. My twin and I are the 90s example of the precocious puberty story from Fat Talk and she especially couldn’t handle being in a larger body than our peer group at 10.
Thank you for the letter templates to opt out. Right now I am trying to teach my kids about trusting their bodies and they are aware that both their aunt and I are passionate about protecting our kids in every way we can from diet culture. They know I will comment to them that we have different rules in our house when their cousins on the Heydary side are told they have to eat certain foods first or hear about junk food or too much added sugar.
I feel anxious about food tracking type assignments as food tracking is unequivocally what pushed me into full blown anorexia behaviors. I didn’t know atypical anorexia existed at the time 10 years ago but I feel pretty comfortable with claiming that now- my BMI was always “normal” and I moved primary care providers from the dr who saw me and praised me for weight loss during that time and asked nothing about my lifestyle when I lost 25 pounds in a year. Even if I don’t end up seeing behaviors in my still young kids (6 and 4 yo) my current plan is to let teachers know that we have ED history in our family and it is very important to me that we opt out. My twin and I are the 90s example of the precocious puberty story from Fat Talk and she especially couldn’t handle being in a larger body than our peer group at 10.