Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Virginia Sole-Smith

Sometimes I feel frustrated by how often I end up buying items in black, navy, or gray when I really love color. There are a few reasons for this - one, I have a limited budget and need to be able to maximize what goes with what. But second, I find I'm often unimpressed with the color choices available at the brands I shop. Where are all the shades of purple (not just "purple people" purple, I want eggplant, plum, and violet. ALSO I want cobalt blues, turquoise, sapphires, and rich teals... I want all the deep jewel tone colors in my basics. Not just black, gray, army green, and navy, with some weird pastel choices thrown in.

Maybe this is an issue with brands and budget for me. I know that it's much more difficult for manufacturers to dye clothes certain colors and that absolutely affects what's widely available and at what price.

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Dacy Gillespie

Ooooooo. So many rules in my closet. Shirts must never be tucked. Tight knit shirts are only for when I’m a certain size. All shirts must hit my hips at a bare minimum. Can’t wear bright or colors on top AND bottom. No shorts. NO SHORTS AND SOCKS. And 100% NO SOCKS WITH SANDALS!!!!!

Picturing the summer outfit that willl break all of these now…and it both gives me a thrill and the heebiejeebies all at once!!

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Virginia Sole-Smith, Dacy Gillespie

I am beyond excited to see 3 of my favorite and most trusted newsletter people creating a style challenge! I am so looking forward to listening later today! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Dacy Gillespie

This is so great. This week Dacy helped me talk through the feelings that arose from what influencers say about the right way to shop, the right way to wear clothes, the right way to do a lot of the things we must do daily (clean our home, eat, etc.) After our conversation I felt liberated to unsubscribe to a slew of newsletters. The only people I feel comfortable with, liberated by, heard, safe are you, Dacy, Virginia, and Corinne and you're not influencers. I LOVE what you're doing here these next four weeks. (I'm trying not to give myself permission to buy the tent of a blue striped cotton dress currently in my cart, but you know what? You're not going to judge me if I do and I'm not going to feel guilty going completely out of my comfort zone and trying it. Who made the rule that everything in my closet must be tailored? Mom. And she's been dead for 16 years! AND I'm 65 and don't have to listen to my mother!) Anyway, I loved this segment. Thank you all for your creativity and fun fashion. I'll let you know if I buy the blue striped dress.

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Apr 12Liked by Virginia Sole-Smith, Dacy Gillespie

I feel like I just did this challenge on my own and I'm pretty happy about where I ended up. As a work-from-home mom of toddlers who also sometimes goes into the office, my rules were about not repeating outfits, but my comfort outfit was always in the wash because I would wear it immediately every time it was clean. So I examined my rule about duplicates of things I really like and realized that it has actually taken me a long time and a lot of NOs to find those pieces that really work for me. So I immediately decided that this is no longer just my comfort outfit, it's now officially my "daily uniform." I bought each of the pieces in almost every colour they come in and took everything else out of those drawers. On the days I go to the office or go out, I get to switch it up and wear something cute that I love from another section of my closet. But on days that I'm at home, shuttling kids, running errands, and inevitably getting yogurt or snot or whatever else on my shirt before 9am, I have taken the guess-work out of my mornings and it is such a relief. I still get to choose my colour mood (I did still buy some in black and gray) but I know that I'm going to be comfortable and functional and I'm not so concerned about stains on my "good clothes" anymore. Being a mom is a job! So it just makes sense that it would require a uniform. Now I just sincerely hope that they don't discontinue these items any time soon!

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Virginia Sole-Smith

I so deeply love this! I’m doing it too! Wide leg pants. Capris because my ankles are hot in the summer on my way to work, all of it, I am here for! I had a moment that made it so clear how nuts these rules are. We were admiring all the snazzy outfits our friends were wearing at a wedding and there was a woman in a loose suit having a great time and my husband said, “you’d look great in that” and I explained that I’m not allowed to wear that and he was so confused. So now I have a loose suit and man, is it comfortable! If ya gotta wear a suit, I mean. I know all of the stuff you do is amazing, but I love the joyous celebration of the fashion.

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Virginia Sole-Smith, Dacy Gillespie

just gotta say everyone looks phenomenal and i am REALLY loving corrine's outfits. That knit top is FIRE.

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Apr 12Liked by Dacy Gillespie

The concept of doing “C work” just came back through my mind. This is a hard one as a perfectionist/A student/first daughter. It feels like an important piece of your conversation. Also, trying to think about this in terms of my clothes and closet. There may be the perfect white button down and I can research and try to find it…and in my closet I have two very comfy white button downs that I enjoy wearing. Loved your conversation and feeling really supported by the 3 of you!

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Apr 11Liked by Virginia Sole-Smith, Dacy Gillespie

For me, my safe outfit rotates seasonally but is always a combination of pieces that I don't feel compelled to change out of. Like after I try to wear the boxy linen dress for the 37th time and still don't feel ok, I change into my tank/leggings/cardigan bc it's my reliable outfit. I'm looking forward to this challenge and maybe even wearing that boxy linen dress next week. 😊 As a former honor roll student, I appreciate that this is structured in a way that won't make me feel like I'm failing if I don't do XYZ.

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Apr 15Liked by Corinne Fay

I basically haven’t worn shorts since kindergarten because I thought I looked fat in them! Obviously didn’t come up with that idea on my own, but my family is/was all in on diet culture. At this stage in life I’m small fat, no longer have an active eating disorder, and feel healthy and confident most of the time. But at 47, as embarrassing as it is, I’m still terrified of shorts. And I’m always hot! I need help!!

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Apr 14Liked by Corinne Fay, Virginia Sole-Smith, Dacy Gillespie

What I love about this style activity is that it’s so flexible and supportive that I don’t feel shame or guilt for opting out. I’ve never participated in a style challenge or really subscribed to any fashion trend. I have had fashion trends thrust upon me (looking at you cold shoulder tops) because that’s all I could find to wear. I’ve always had my own personal style and not cared whether it was popular (because most of the time it’s not). So I love that some of my favorite people are doing this in a way that feels inclusive of me not doing it! 👊

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Liked by Virginia Sole-Smith

Am I the only one who is so excited that she pulled a ton of stuff out her closet three days early in search of the stuff that qualifies to meet the challenge? Oh, and bought a door hanging, full body mirror for pictures?

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Apr 12Liked by Virginia Sole-Smith

About 25 min into this I had to stop at Target to get underwear for my daughter. It was a rare alone time for me where work wasn’t calling, so I did a little shopping for myself which included 2 horizontal striped shirts (finally!), 2 dresses, and a couple tshirts. I was proud of myself for not getting weird about sizes but instead going with what felt good on my body. I came away with some great pieces I’m excited to wear! And then resumed the episode to hear about challenging yourself not to shop. Oops! But it’s before the challenge, so doesn’t count, right? 😁

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay

I’m in! Going to participate with my mama. Should be fun to have an “accountability buddy” in this context.

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Dacy Gillespie

You all delight me every time. And this is the most gentle "challenge" ever. I'm musing on the idea of a "safe outfit," as I sit here in one of my 300 black shirts...I feel seen!

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Apr 11Liked by Corinne Fay, Virginia Sole-Smith

I relate on the crop tops, I wore a cropped sweater to dinner last week and I kept pulling on it what felt like every 2 minutes.

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