What's Your Flop Around Outfit?
Plus Lizzo, the new women's magazines, and reading picnics.
Friday Thread: Flop Around Clothes
Everyone loves to talk about September Back To School Energy and look, I’ll get there, but we talk less about how this absolutely must be preceded by August Brain, when you have absolutely no energy or motivation and just want to laze about. As a kid, these were the weeks when I had no camp and my full-time working parents accepted that I’d spend my days watching Saved By The Bell reruns for hours and getting moody, but also inevitably finding my way to some sort of absorbing craft project or a really good book. As an adult, I’m just in full August Brain mode right now. The garden is for admiring from my pool float, not for weeding. Work is about to slip into bare minimum mode for a few weeks. Cooking is for the birds. And getting dressed needs to be very easy breezy. Think, a giant dress. Or overall shorts because I am no longer about that waistband life. I wish to float and be cool and maybe also look a little bit stylish but let’s not get carried away about it.
So tell me: What do you wear to just FLOP AROUND IN, in these dog days of summer?
Please do link to favorites, but give us a heads up about the brand’s size inclusivity, so fat folks don’t have to click on empty. ALSO: Feel free to comment if you’re looking for a specific flop-related clothing rec! Someone here always knows. (I personally would like leads on floppy straw hats that fit giant heads and don’t make me sweaty. Does this unicorn exist!)
(H/T to
for this excellent thread suggestion.)PS. To flop around with us, you do need to be a paid Burnt Toast subscriber. Here’s how to join us! Do check out our thread rules if you’re a new commenter.
Friday Links & Recs
Sam Sanders’ conversation with Saeed Jones and Zach Stafford is helping me sort through my Lizzo feelings.
’s freezer meal strategies are the kind of low-lift dinner energy I need rn. (Paywall for her breakfast burrito recipe and it looks worth every penny.)Wow, wow, wow the men get mad when
busts the maternal instinct myth. (Also paywalled, also worth it.)Very here for “what did you think of Barbie?” as the new litmus test for dating straight men.
Newsletters are the new women’s magazines is something I think about all the time.
Also love AHP’s follow-up piece about the power and pleasure of the Internet rec.
If you are also a longtime YoungHouseLove stan, you may share my obsession with this Target side table that Sherry (forever queen of the rec!) kept selling out. They recently (but who knows for how long!) restocked it, I bought two as guest room nightstands and they are as good in person as I always hoped/knew they would be.
Both extremely excited by this hopeful article exploring new treatments for endometriosis as a “whole body disease,” and dreading the wellness industry nonsense that will ensue.
One of my favorite recs from our absolutely epic Butter Thread has to be the Fat Bear Cam.
Also extremely into
’s idea: Reading Picnics which are books plus popcorn plus a blanket under a tree.Last: You KNOW I am obsessed with the secret feminist history of butter cows.
Book Stuff
I talked to Scary Mommy about what to do when you accidentally demonize dessert.
Not actually book news but the Deseret News reported on my conversations with
on ultra processed foods.Love reading Emma Specter on Ozempic (even though I am also so so sick of talking about Ozempic) and appreciate her shout-out.
Maybe the most fun interview I’ve done yet (and for sure the best headline) with
about navigating trolls: