Yay!! Thank you so much for having me. It was great to chat with you!

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Love love love this episode. Thank you for this conversation!

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Absolutely love this episode!!!

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Such a great conversation. The way women's basketball fans (both the W and NCAA) are bombarded with WL ads has been on my mind a lot for the past year.

In addition to all the great points discussed on this podcast, one thing I keep thinking about are the risks for young athletes watching who will feel pressure to start taking these drugs if they are in bigger bodies. I don't know if we have enough data yet, but I'm worried about the effects on growth for kids who are restricted by these medications during peak growth periods——not to mention even higher eating disorder risk for an already vulnerable group, as Frankie mentioned. How many girls (or kids of any gender) won't actually get as tall and strong as they would have if they hadn't been put on WL medications? For the star post players in basketball (where being one of the "bigs" is a definite athletic asset), I imagine many of them were "off the charts" as young kids. Today their pediatrician might decide to follow the new AAP guidelines and prescribe diets, drugs, or even surgery.

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Oona!! Thank you so much for this. I have a post running tomorrow with a more in-depth look at this issue and I cite your work in it. So grateful to have your voice in this conversation

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Cool! Sorry if I jumped the gun here. Can't wait to read your next piece.

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You didn’t at all! I’m so glad to have you contributing. You make so many important points

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Hand raised for not a sports fan who got so much here!! Such a fantastic conversation that reframed my perspective and have new insight.

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Such a good and important interview for so many reasons. It's time for cis self-styled allies to step up and listen to the ways trans women and non-binary folks and cis women are in the same, overpoliced boat in this era of body fascism. Also, I am FLOORED by how effective WNBA ads are. Everyone should listen to this one--and trust me, I do not care about sports.

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Kate, I’m a huge fan of your writing and really appreciate the kind words 🙏

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Yay!! Frankie fan here!!! Frankie-ophile?

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They are the best!!

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So excited for your journey with The Traitors! I haven’t started season 3 yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s exactly the comfort content we need right now.

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I loved this conversation! Thank you both! Really informative and helpful to understand the layers of bias.

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I used to read Frankie’s very old blog religiously in the early 2010’s? Or before? Hello!

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((Furiously goes to comb Internet for these archivesss))

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lol they’re deleted BUT don’t worry, I’m still slutty. I’m working on a piece currently about what the sports world can learn from the kink community and it’s gonna be a fun one

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Whenever I see your name I think of it!! I was living for it!

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