Thank you Virginia. It was such a joy to talk to you. Long time reader, first time caller indeed! ♥️

I can find out about doing a community screening through Jolt for the Burnt Toast Community. If this is something you’d be interested in, reply to my comment so I can gauge interest!

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Oh I LOVE this idea. Would love others to chime in!

And Jeanie, thank you so much - you’re the best!

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A watch party, I mean!

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Yes, please!

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I’d happily see it a third time!

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I love this film. I’ve seen it twice now, including in a cinema in Dublin with Aubrey for a Q&A, and v excitingly her mum Pam in the audience.

Rusty’s journey makes for a great story, he’s v dramatically shifting his ideas and his bias over the film, and also EveryDad in his well meaning but awful remarks. For me, Pam is so much more interesting and nuanced. She’s engaging so deeply in reflecting on her parenting, her own history and bias, she’s really doing the work. It’s just lovely. It made me think about how it seems like it’s very easy to praise men for doing the bare minimum.

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Pam is the MVP!

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Oh that's so interesting -- you're right about that gendered dynamic. Pam is an absolute hero of the film.

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Would anyone be interested in a Burnt Toast community watch party of this film?? Not sure how we'd organise/run it using Jolt but it could be really fun?!

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I would!!!

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See my comment above :)

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Ooh great minds! Thanks Jeanie

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This film really gave me a lot of compassion for my mom.

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I gave my employer a lame excuse why I wouldn't be available this afternoon. I couldn't trust they'd get watching a film as a worthy reason. But oh my god, was it worthy. Fabulous. Thank you.

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LOVE that you did that!

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I have listened to this interview 4 or 5 times. Your conversation about the power and the hope of film is how I see literature. As I finish my first collection of personal essays, I will reread it several times to ensure that it stands up to what you speak. Thank you.

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I just watched Your Fat Friend with my partner, all the way from France ! I loved it and found it very touching. Thank you Aubrey and Jeanie for this ! (also loved the subtitle option, very useful to be sure to understand everything)

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This film is magic!

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I’m so glad Jeanie brought up the cake scene because it was really uncomfortable and I was wondering why she used that footage. I assumed he was trying to comply with Aubrey’s dietary guidelines, not that he took it upon himself to get a sugar free, gluten free cake. I guess I gave him too much credit!

Anyway, I love the film and recently wrote a review of it for a local Bay Area site.

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Of course I used it! The uncomfortableness is the point. It was a messy situation. People’s lives are messy. Our lives are messy

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The small details of people’s lives are THE Stuff. Rather than the headlines.

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