Find Your Local Body Liberation Community!
Plus a teensy bit more on Oprah and Kate (sorry) and the new Stanley Cups.
Friday Thread: Because We All Need More Fat Friends
Corinne suggested (and I agree!) that it would be fun to do an open thread (yes, free list, you’re invited too!) sharing where we’re all located. I always ask about geography when we do our annual reader surveys, so I know we are East Coast and California-heavy but also scattered ALL AROUND THE GLOBE. And something we’re asked frequently is how to make fat friends and/or body liberation-oriented friends IRL. Maybe we can make some (unofficial) Burnt Toast meet-ups happen?!
So tell us: Where are you from? And…
Take a second to scroll the comments and see if anyone else has posted that they’re from your state (or city/area for big states) already. If so, reply to them!
If not, post a general comment and put your TOWN/STATE in all caps so other folks can then come find you!
If you organize or even just know of cool body liberation-oriented groups or events in your area, drop the links and information.
If you’d love to meet up with fellow BT fans in your area, feel free to note that too!
This will be fun! As always, check out our thread rules if you’re a new commenter and be kind. (Again, I’m opening comments up to EVERYONE today so no nonsense, pls!)
Friday Links & Recs
Teared up reading this real life divorce fairytale. So proud of you
!!!Bless for watching the Oprah special on ob*sity and writing this.
Also grateful to
for this: GLP-1s Are Not Miracle Weight-Loss Drugs.Are Trader Joe’s mini totes the new Stanley cup?
The gender dream gap.
Am reading Mexican Gothic right now. Am worried it’s going to get too scary for me but also cannot put it down!!
The radical act of painting flowers. (h/t
)The Windsor women as human shields; Jen Weiner nails it per usual.
Cooking is so much more than cooking! Thank you also
for this gift.
BALTIMORE, MD, but I'm a divorced mom who doesn't go out much. Still -- hello! If you see me walking along the waterfront at sunrise, please give me the secret BT handshake. Which I assume involves butter or jelly.
Psychotherapist in Putnam County, NY! I facilitate outdoor body liberation groups in Cold Spring, NY! 🌲🥾