We did some heaving lifting here this week. On Tuesday, we talked about how to support a child getting fat shamed, and yesterday, how to parent a kid in a bigger body knowing you’ll be judged for it. And both of those were pretty intense and sometimes hard conversations. Plus, we’ve got holidays looming, everyone I know has been sick or is getting sick, we just survived the annual collective trauma of an election cycle, Trump thinks he has another shot… it’s one of those “oh wow, things are a lot right now!” moments, for a lot of us.
So let’s use today’s Friday Thread to do a general community check-in. Do you need to process some of your thoughts or feelings about some piece of Burnt Toast content? Do you need to let out some pre-Thanksgiving stress (I do have a link round-up coming Tuesday with LOTS of tips for how to navigate holiday food shaming and diet talk!)? Do you need to vent about something entirely unrelated? Do you have some personal joy that we can share in?
We are here and we are listening.
(As always, let’s keep things friendly and follow my Thread Ground Rules.)
I am in a bigger body. I am anti-diet. I read anti-diet authors and speak about body positivity to friends and family. But I feel guilty all the time because I have this secret—I still really wish I was in a smaller body. I feel so terrible about it all the time, but I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for about a year, and I honestly enjoyed the thin privilege. I wish I could just fully accept my body as it is, but it would be easier to be anti-diet AND smaller. 😔
We have made the very bold and very wonderful decision to opt out of Thanksgiving this year. If 2016 taught me anything it’s that Trump+Thanksgiving+Family=sobbing in a stairwell, so this year we said Fuck it, and booked a trip to Legoland. I’m thrilled.