You’re listening to Burnt Toast!
We are Virginia Sole-Smith and Corinne Fay, and today we’re getting into our Ins and Outs for 2025.
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Episode 176 Transcript
Okay, Corinne, since you introduced me to this concept, can you explain for the people what an in and out list is?
This came onto my radar maybe two years ago. Everyone on Instagram was posting a screenshot of their Notes app, with a list on the left of things that are IN for the coming year. And on the right, a list of things that are OUT.
I think it’s kind of a fun exercise to do. You could really do it at any time of the year, but, you know, it’s New Year’s. We’re reflecting.
Why not?
It’s kind of like a resolution, but it’s a different framing. Because it’s this is what’s in for me this year. And this is what I’m leaving behind.
I also think a lot of the lists that I’ve liked and appreciated are a little cheeky. Like something that’s out will be something you’ve been seeing everywhere.
And you’re over it.
On the diet culture front: You could certainly be like, “carbs are out,” and it would be very obviously diet culture. But it feels like there’s a little more room to breathe and make In/Out Lists not diet culture. Because it’s not even necessarily you resolving to do the things on your list. It could just be something you’re enjoying or bringing in. I like the flexibility of that a lot.
That was one thing I wanted to bring up, because we talked about it last year. I intentionally have not looked back at my list from last year. I hate looking back at my old lists, because when I look at them, I literally feel like, who was that person? If I look back at old pictures of myself, I feel sort of tender for that younger version of myself. But when I look back at the in and out list, I’m like, who was that idiot?
I think because they are cheeky and responding to trends? It’s kind of capturing a moment in time. Like, whatever is on your out list isa time capsule of the year before, which is fun, but it’s not necessarily going to be your truest core self. These are whims, these are our hot takes or unpopular opinions on things in this moment. It’s fine. I don’t think we have to look back at it. I don’t think we have to hold ourselves to these things lasting all year long. It’s just where we are in this particular moment.
Definitely. It’s also something that I enjoy as a social activity. I like to ask my friends, what’s in and what’s out for you?
Did I end up making one last year? I can’t even remember.
I think you did, but I think it was a little late. I didn’t look back for yours because I didn’t want to look back for mine.
Right, right? We’ll just let that go into the ether.
[Post-recording note: Or you can find Virginia’s 2024 list here, if you’re curious!]
Another thing I’ve seen people doing around New Years is the bingo card, instead of an in and out list.
Oh yeah, someone dropped this in chat this week. What is a bingo card? I don’t understand.
The concept is basically that you make a bingo board. So what is that? Five by five squares? And each square has a thing in. It can be activities you want to do, or it can be outlandish predictions like, “Drake will be the Super Bowl performer.” Or a combination of both. And then you try to get bingo, and reward yourself.
And this year, I was sort of feeling like, ooh, that feels a little more fun. Because I have some things that I wanted to put on my in/out list that don’t really fit. Like, getting a tattoo, or visiting my sister—you know, stuff like that is a little more concrete and bingo card-ish.
Okay, well you decided it was an in and out episode, though. So that’s what I’ve come prepared to discuss.
I’ve still come prepared to discuss in and outs! I just wanted to present the bingo card as a concept.
We’re noting that we are aware of it in the zeitgeist—at least Corinne is. And I am now aware of it, so I appreciate that.
Yeah, and if ins/outs feels bad to you, then you could do bingo. Or you could do nothing.
This may just be where my brain is on this particular day, but the whole making a grid of five squares is like sounding hard and sort of like math homework. And I’m like, no, no, don’t make me do it. But I might feel differently another day.
I would lose it. Like, where would I keep it? Because I don’t know how to do that in my notes app.
I mean, I had to text you and be like, “How do we make a table in the notes app?” So this is where I’m starting.
Alright, Corinne, kick us off. Give us your first.
Well, as you might expect, I have a lot of ins and outs that are somewhat clothes related. So, IN for me is wearing one thing over and over again. OUT is buying multiples of the exact same thing. That’s something I’m really trying to let go of this year.
As I’m wearing a sweater right now, which I own in four colors, I really respect that. Because you don’t ever like the thing in the multiple colors the same way. It’s very rare.
I feel like we’ve talked about how this often doesn’t work. So I’m going to try and be aware of that. And I will say, I’ve already been tempted. As I was writing about the stuff I wore on my road trip, I was like, dang, I should really just buy another pair of those Universal Standard cargo jeans because I like them so much.
You do.
But I’m trying not to.
So you’re referring to not buying multiples of the same exact item. Like, not just “Oh, I’m going to get the sweater in three colors.” But like, you would be tempted to buy two of the same sweater in the same color, if you liked it.
Yes. I have this striped shirt from Target that I like, and I have two green ones and one blue one. Granted, I think they cost $10, but do I really need two of the exact same green striped shirt? Because I also have other striped shirts, you know? And then I’m trying to use this app Indyx to keep track of my closet. And I’m like, how do I even put in two of the exact same green shirt?
Yeah, that’s confusing. I mean, I love a uniform, so I admit I fall for the multiples concept. I have my Beyond Yoga joggers in three colors, and I just rotate through them all week long in the winter. But I have definitely been burnt by this rule as well. So I agree it could be out, or at least heavy reflection before committing to something in multiples.
Yeah, I think it’s also way easier to buy the multiples of a thing that’s really cheap. I’m doing this at Target and Old Navy, you know? And then that doesn’t feel good.
Yeah, The Beyond Yoga joggers are an investment. I bought one pair and was wearing them constantly and then built up the collection when they go on sale. It’s a little different.
What’s on your list?
Okay, I’ll do a clothing one, too. IN for me is bootcut pants. And I feel like this is going to be controversial, but OUT for me is the wide-cropped Colette pants that everybody loves and that I loved like three months ago, but I don’t love anymore.
Now, I am open to that changing in the summer. I really feel like for me, a wide legged crop pant is a warm weather style. I need to treat them like shorts. I cannot crack the boot styling with them. The boot and sock styling, I cannot crack it. I just feel like a crazy art teacher, and not in an aesthetic choice way. Just in a what happened way, when I get dressed in it.
But I have been wearing some boot cut pants, also from Beyond Yoga. And I’m like, why did we banish this trend for so long? They’re kind of cute and comfy. I don’t know, I like them.
That’s exciting. And so bootcut—they’re touching your shoes?
They are, yes. They touch my shoes. They are fitted through the thigh, and then there’s a slight flare, but not all the way to full flare. And they look cute with running shoes. And they also look good with a boot—like a chunky boot or probably any boot. I mean, these are leggings materials, so I don’t wear them with a dressy boot. That feels odd to me. But a casual boot. But I am now like, do I want some nice black pants that are a bootcut?
Or jeans?
I haven’t tried bootcut jeans—I mean, in this millennia, obviously. I wore them plenty in the 90s, but I am like, oh, a high waisted bootcut jean is interesting to me. So TBD on that. But that’s where I am on pants right now, which is a new place.
That’s cool. Are you going to get rid of the Colette ones? Or seeing what happens?
I’m going to hold on to them for the warmer weather. I have them in denim. And I thought they were going to go through the fall/winter, and they are not. But I’m going to put them over in my shorts pile and treat them like a summer clothing item. I think that’s what they are for me. At least bare ankles weather, which, we’re recording this in 12 degrees in New York right now. So it is not bare ankles weather. So that may be heavily influencing my pants feelings at the moment.
What’s next for you?
Okay, my next one is kind of a response to some events, so I’ll just say that. Okay, IN: Bird watching. OUT: TikTok.
Just for the record, Tiktok will not be out if it doesn’t get banned.
But you are making your peace with that possibility.
If it does get banned, I’m replacing it with bird watching.
Well, my next one is very related. We’re really in sync here. IN for me is Bird Buddy, which is my new video bird feeder. And OUT for me is Instagram.
So I now am like, oh, do I need to get you a Bird Buddy? Because let me explain to you what is so great about this. It’s a little bird feeder with a video camera in it, and it connects to an app on your phone. So not only do they send you photos when birds land on the feeder, so you get an exciting notification every now and then, it also has a livestream!
So instead of scrolling Instagram, I can livestream my bird feeders and it is the most soothing thing ever, Corinne. I’m just like, oh, nothing’s happening. Oh, here’s a chickadee. Okay, nothing’s happening now. Oh, here’s a nuthatch.
IN: bird media. OUT: social media.

As people who read the newsletter know, I took a three week Instagram break over Christmas, and I was like, oh, I think my brain is so much happier. So now I’m trying a thing where, since I have to go on Instagram for work to post about the newsletter or whatever, I download the app, post, answer a few DMS, delete the app. And this is what I’m trying this week. We’ll see. I am really interested in less Instagram time for me. Tiktok is not my challenge. I never got hooked into it. But I think birds are the thing to replace this stuff with. I think we’re really onto something! And I’m just saying, a bird app really helps.
Yeah, that does sound cool. The Merlin bird app has been a Butter for me before, and I got a pair of binoculars for Christmas.
Ooh, delightful.
Going to try to be using the binoculars.
Yeah, yeah. Are you going out bird watching in places or backyard bird watching?
You know, I haven’t gone yet. But that’s on my goals. That would be on my bingo card.
To go on a bird watch.
To go bird watching. I also weirdly have a lot of friends here who are really into bird watching, so I’m hoping one of them will take me under their wing.
I noticed the bird humor there. We’re going to go past that, but that did happen. But if they don’t take you under their wing, come to New York and my mother will take you bird watching. Bird watching is, I would say, conservatively, 70 percent of my mother’s personality. It is her deep passion, her retirement hobby, calling, what have you. She does it all the time. So she’s also on the live stream. Oh! I can add you to my Bird Buddy!
Oh yeah! Because I think my dog will chase the birds away if I get a feeder for my yard.
Okay, I will add you when we are done recording so you can check out the live stream whenever you want and get the notifications. Also, to be clear, it’s actually not my Bird Buddy. I gave it to my 11 year old for Christmas, and she does also really love it. And there’s a thing where you can name the frequent visitor birds. She’s naming them. So I got it for her, because she’s always loved birds, and now I’m totally hooked.
Well. That was like 90 minutes on birds, but that feels right.
Give us another one.
Okay, my next one is: IN for me, decluttering. OUT for me, organizing.
Okay, say more, because how are they not the same thing?
Well, I feel like I had this revelation last year (thanks to this post) where I was, like, before I can do any organizing, I actually just need to get rid of some stuff. Like, it’s like, it’s just never going to stay organized if—
If there’s too much?
I need to just have less stuff. I’m not ever going to be a minimalist. But before I’m organizing, I need to be letting some stuff go.
So organizing is out for you, but maybe not out forever?
It’s not that being organized is out. It’s organizing is not a solution to having too much stuff, I guess.
Yeah, it’s like, maybe you’ll revisit that concept if you do pare down the stuff to the point where some system of organization can contain it. But currently that is not an option.
Right. And it’s like that thing where you buy the containers for your pantry, rather than first you need to get rid of all the stuff that’s expired.
Totally, totally, yes.
That’s a conceptual one, you know?
It is high concept, but I’m here for it.
This is maybe also going to be a little controversial. IN for me is baking cookies in my air fryer. OUT for me—but trust me, controversial, at least locally in my house—are Tate’s cookies.
Oh, wow. I’m obsessed with Tate’s cookies.
So is my seven year old. We go through conservatively two bags a week, and I think I get to eat one of them. One cookie, to be clear.
They have the crunch level of potato chips. It’s so easy to eat a whole bag.
They’re delicious. They are absolutely delicious. I’m not saying they’re not delicious. I am saying they are like $7 a bag.
Meanwhile, I’ve been buying the tub of the Nestle Toll House cookie dough from the grocery store—you can get a giant tub for like $7 so it’s going to make way more cookies. And my air fryer has a cookie setting! So you can bake 12 cookies in the air fryer so much faster than you can bake them in the oven. And if you make sure the dough is warm enough before you put them in, they get spread out and thin, very similar to the Tate’s cookies.
You all know me. I love an ultra processed food. I’m not here to say from scratch is better. I can also bake cookies fully from scratch. I’m not doing that here. I’m using the store bought dough. But the delightfulness of being able to have warm cookies, because also this way the cookies are warm! Which is the best. The Tate’s ones are not warm. And when it’s a movie night or something, just like, I’m going to bake 12 cookies really fast so we can eat them while we watch the movie.
That’s awesome. It sounds great. I mean, if I had to choose between Tate’s and fresh baked cookies, I would choose fresh baked.
I think we all would. But I would previously not have gone to the effort until I discovered the store bought dough and how much faster they are to bake in my air fryer. But I will tell you, it’s not popular. The other day, we had both options available, and the seven year old went for the Tate’s. She was like, “I don’t like those homemade cookies.”
And I was like, “They aren’t even fully homemade!” So I don’t know that I’m going to be able to actually decrease my Tate’s budget. I may have to do some subtle transitioning over? But for me personally, I think they’re tastier, so.
That’s a good one.
Okay, I’m going to do a food one too, then. It’s also maybe a little silly. IN for me is beef stews or stewed beef type of things. OUT is pulled pork.
I’ve got to be honest, I have not been eating a lot of pulled pork. But we made a pot roast when I was at my sister’s house, which is something I’ve never made before, and is not something that my mom served growing up. It was delicious. And now I’m aspiring to eat more pot roast. And I’ve a couple times made the Alison Roman chili recipe, which has beef chuck in it instead of ground beef.
Oh, that is a good way to make chili.
And I think I’m going to try a brisket soon. So I’m into huge chunks of beef as opposed to huge chunks of pork.
Okay, but I don’t know why we’re being anti the huge chunk of pork.
It’s arbitrary. Maybe I could think of a better out for that if I worked on it. But I feel like pulled pork has been in for a long time.
It’s true.
I actually also have a meat-related one. Why are we so in sync? Our brains are on a mind meld.
So mine, I will disclaim before I even say it—lots of privilege involved here! Privilege to be able to make a more expensive grocery choice not available to everyone. I think it’s clear with all of these, we’re not endorsing these as lifestyle plans for the rest of you.
These are highly personal.
So mine is IN small butcher meat and eggs, OUT grocery store meat and eggs.
The backstory: I have two children who are vegetarian or vegetarian-leaning. I am not interested in being a vegetarian, I’m sorry. But in a attempt to be be more aware of the many issues around meat consumption, I have decided that this year, I’m going to commit to only buying meat from our local butcher who specializes in animals raised on small farms. These were the happiest of cows, given every opportunity, a good college education, etc. So I’m only going to buy our meat and our eggs from them, and I’m not going to buy the grocery store stuff.
It is more expensive, but it’s a great local business in our community. They add a lot of value. I would love to help make sure they stay here. So that is a shift I’m making. I value farmers and what they do, and I want to be being more mindful of that, since it is something I can do,
That’s cool. That’s a good one!
Um, okay, I have one other food one that’s a little silly. IN as a pastry / dessert flavor in for me, passion fruit. OUT as a pastry, dessert flavor, matcha.
Was matcha ever in?
I feel like yes.
Did anyone really like it? Or is it like how everyone says they read the books on the Booker list awards, but they don’t really read them?
Oh, I don’t know. I like matcha as a drink. I don’t want a matcha eclair. But I would like a passionfruit eclair.
I just want chocolate.
All of this is irrelevant to you, nevermind.
It’s very opaque to me, but I’m glad for you.
The next one is another little bit more high concept. It’s about colors I’m feeling right now for myself and for for my house and for my wardrobe. IN is dark teal, dark green, like evergreen forest green, and pink. OUT for me, is light gray.
I should say, pink is always in for me, but different shades of pink. I’m leaning a little more hot pink these days, a little over the millennial blush pink. But all the pinks.
Oooh, that’s a good one, yes.
And I was explaining to you the other day, I have realized light gray clothing makes me look dead. It makes me look like a corpse. And yet I own so much of it. It’s a color that is heavily marketed to Millennial Moms. Because it’s very minimalist. You should have the fisherman sweater in this color. And I don’t know, I just feel like I’m always being told to wear light gray and I’m done. I’m not doing it anymore. So it feels good.
I love that. I feel like those colors look good together, too.
Yeah, it’s also kind of my book cover again, and I don’t really know how I feel about that, but I’m expecting it to evolve. I’m saying these are colors I’m feeling right now, but I am in the process of trying to choose a new living room sofa, and I feel like I’ve always gone for blues. Well, in my heart, I want a cream sofa, but I know my life. But in the past, I would have always gone towards more blue, gray colors. And I’m now feeling like a forest green or a deep teal or something.
I’m really into forest green as well.
But does that mean we’ll be sick of it soon and I shouldn’t put it in a sofa where I’m not going to want to replace it for a long time?
I think it’s a classic.
I think it’s like navy, where you can build around it. You can change the pop of colors around it. Okay, I’m glad we had that talk.
Okay. This one is a little more clothes-related and this is something I really need to work on. IN for me, accessories. OUT for me, matching sets.
I thought you might feel targeted by that.
I feel a little called out, I only just got into matching sets like six months ago, and now you’re taking them from—well, not from me, from you.
I had a realization. I bought a few matching sets last summer and then ended up only wearing the shorts. And I was just like, hmm, do I really like matching sets, or do I just like the concept?
I love the concept, but I understand.
And I’m feeling I really want to beef up on my accessories collection.
I support this. Are you a “I want a set of accessories I wear all the time” person or do you want to mix and match different outfits have different accessories?
I want to mix and match. I wear very basic stuff so I feel like some accessories could make it feel more fun and fancy. I feel like I’m seeing a lot of brooches? Pins could be interesting. Plus the whole bonnet/hood/balaclava thing.
You’ve been wanting a bonnet forever. If this is not the year you get it, I don’t even know.
I mean, I just feel like the bonnet season in Albuquerque is so short that I can’t really justify having a lot of them.
Where is the bonnet season ever long? What climate does one wear a bonnet for?
Well, I feel like, in New York, you could probably wear them through March. I feel like here it’s probably just December and January.
Are you talking about like a wool bonnet for warmth?
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, like a knit one.
Because you’ve also been interested in fabric bonnets, like cotton.
Yeah, that’s true. Okay, well, yeah, that might be a little bit of a longer season.
You could wear that whenever you’re feeling like a little Puritan cosplay. Okay, well, I still endorse you getting a bonnet anyway, because I think your heart has wanted one for a long time. And I agree it will be a jaunty accessory.
Yes, thank you. Also, jewelry. You know, jewelry has been in for a while now. Shoes.
Okay, my last one is also going back to clothing. And it’s really more about my out than my in, because my in has been in for me for a while, but my IN is two piece bathing suits. They are easier when you are dealing with children and you’re gonna have to go to the bathroom. I know you can do the pull to the side move in a one piece, but I don’t like it. It is easier to wear a two piece and only body hangups keep us from that ease.
So I’m pro two piece bathing suits for myself, specifically, and also the world, if that is interesting to you. And what is OUT for me is the one piece with what my friend Mary calls apology ruching.
My friend Mary went to Great Wolf Lodge, which is a local indoor water park situation. I’ve never been, but I hear tales. And she was like, “Virginia, we’re at this water park over winter break with the kids. It’s like all families and their kids. And every mom in her 40s or late 30s was wearing the one piece with ruching.” Which is like, what is it meant to hide? Because it hides nothing! It does nothing. It’s your body, but now it has some bumpy fabric on top. It’s a way of signaling that you’ve tried to cover yourself. “I tried to prevent you understanding that I have a belly.”
I mean, ruching is for sure out. But also, the thing I’ll say about that is, it’s very hard to find a one piece bathing suit without ruching! My top bathing suit is a one piece from Land’s End, and I would so strongly prefer that it did not have ruching, but that’s not an option.
No, I understand. It’s one of those obnoxious things, especially about plus size swimwear. Ruching is the plus size swimwear equivalent of the cold shoulder top. It’s like, no one asked for this, but they put it on everything. But that’s why I’m going over to two pieces. And my hack for two pieces, especially for if you are busty like I am, and you need a family friendly swimsuit, is sports bra. Cute, colored sports bra, fun pattern on the bottom, high waisted bottoms, is my formula. And I just feel like it gives you more versatility, frankly, as a family friendly swimsuit.
People can handle seeing three inches of your midsection and you’re not doing this apology ruching game.
A lot of high waisted two piece bottoms also have ruching.
They do. And I will not be purchasing them.
Hopefully we have some swimsuit designers listening.
Yeah, get on this, people. No one wants it. No one asked for it. Especially with moms who are concerned about, quote, mom, body things. It’s like, this way of being like, “Maybe I used to be confident displaying my body at a communal swimming place, but I no longer am, so I have ruched my midsection.” No more!
Well, this was very fun. I loved all of these. I’m very excited about our ins and outs, and I want to hear what other people are doing.
Yeah, me too. I really want to see what some other people have on their lists.
And you don’t have to do the notes format if you don’t want, obviously. We’ll have ours in the transcript. You can just put them in the comments.
Okay, my butter is the shirt that I’m wearing right now. It is called the Fay Chore Coat.
It’s named after you!
It is named after me. It comes from a brand called Connally goods, which is a small clothing company in Canada. They’re really cool. They have good sizing options, and I think they’re one of those brands that if you’re not on the size chart, they will work with you to make something anyways.
But anyways, because I have talked a lot about loving denim shirts and denim chore coats, they made this coat. It has snaps in the front.
It’s adorable.
It’s really cute. And I’ve been wearing it as a shirt. I think you could also wear it as a coat. The denim is not too thick. It’s pretty thin, but it’s really cute. And everyone should check it out.
Also, can we just have a moment for like, you’re such a celebrity that someone named a coat after you? That’s pretty amazing. That’s a level of fame, few of us reach that peak is what I’m saying.
I mean, I think it’s very niche. But, yes, I’m very famous within a very tiny niche.
fans. We love that.If you’re not reading Big Undies, this is your reminder yet again to please fix that. It’s so good people are naming clothing after Corinne! So that’s why you should be reading it. Also, if you’re a paid Burnt Toast subscriber, you get 20% off. The chore coat is adorable, and I feel like very versatile. Like you could wear it like open over striped shirt. You could do a lot with that.
And it is quintessential you, they really nailed your style. It’s awesome. I’m excited to shop there. That’s very cool.
What’s your Butter?
Okay, my Butter is what Corinne got me for Christmas, which is these amazing brownies from Vesta Chocolate.
Corinne sent me—I don’t even know how many you sent, there were many. It was a very full box of these amazing brownies. And they are like the richest, most super chocolatey brownies. And we all know I am someone with some authority on this subject. I am something of a brownie expert, and they are the most rich, super chocolatey brownies I’ve ever had.
And I just want to say that I heard about these from Helen Rosner!
Oh, well there you go. There you go! These are New Yorker food critic endorsed brownies.
[Come see Virginia and Helen discuss these brownies and other things IRL next Thursday, January 23! Tickets here.]
They’re so rich. Like, again, I am something of a brownie overachiever. I actually couldn’t eat a whole one, so I ended up cutting them into quarters. So you maybe sent a dozen brownies, and we ended up with like four dozen.
Oh my God, that’s amazing.
They were like the Jesus of brownies, they just kept making more loaves and fishes or whatever. It was great. When I was hosting a lot over the holidays, I could just have them out on the counter, just having a super decadent, delicious treat like that around all the time. Also a plug for food gifting in general, you really cannot go wrong. My food gift this year was I gave quite a few of this coffee cake that was recommended by
from a bakery called Zingerman’s. And I did gift one to myself as well, and was really glad I did that.Corinne
I’ve given people stuff from Zingerman’s before. It’s really good.
Yeah, their stuff is great, and it lasts a long time, too. So that’s awesome. So, general Butter of food gifting. But specifically, these brownies were off the charts, and I’m excited to see what else they ship.
All right, well, so much good stuff is in for 2025. It’s been like a little rocky start to January over here in the Sole-Smith household. We’ve got some flu, we’ve got some things going on, and this is picking up my mood quite a bit. So thank you!
The Burnt Toast Podcast is produced and hosted by Virginia Sole-Smith (follow me on Instagram) and Corinne Fay, who runs @SellTradePlus, and Big Undies—subscribe for 20% off!
The Burnt Toast logo is by Deanna Lowe.
Our theme music is by Farideh.
Tommy Harron is our audio engineer.
Thanks for listening and for supporting anti-diet, body liberation journalism!
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